
1 Years / Onsite

ntakes: Jan, Apr, Jun, Oct



The sixth grade is an important year for children as it represents the transition from elementary to middle school and is a crucial phase in their academic and personal development. Here’s why the sixth grade is important:

Transition to Middle School: The sixth grade introduces students to the new and more challenging academic environment of middle school. It is a time when they must adapt to rotating schedules, multiple teachers, and greater independence in managing their time and responsibilities.

Academic Preparation: The sixth-grade curriculum typically includes more advanced and specialized subjects such as pre-algebra, life sciences, world history, and more complex language arts skills. Mastery of these subjects is necessary for success in subsequent grades and building a strong academic foundation.

Social and Emotional Development: Sixth-grade students go through a period of significant social and emotional growth where they form new friendships, define their identity, and interact with their peers in a larger and more diverse school environment. They also learn important skills such as conflict resolution, empathy, and teamwork.

Executive Function Skills: Sixth-grade students develop executive function skills such as organization, time management, and study habits, which are necessary for academic success. They learn how to juggle multiple tasks, prioritize tasks, and manage workload effectively.

Preparation for Adolescence: The sixth grade is a transitional period between childhood and adolescence, and students begin to experience the physical, cognitive, and emotional changes associated with puberty. It is a time when they begin to develop a greater sense of independence, autonomy, and self-identity.

Preparation for High School: Success in the sixth grade paves the way for future academic achievement in high school. By developing strong study habits, critical thinking skills, and a positive attitude towards learning, students are better prepared to face the challenges of high school courses and prepare for college.

In general, the sixth grade is a pivotal year in children’s educational journey, shaping their academic skills, social interactions, and personal development as they prepare to transition to adolescence and beyond.



Arabic 1-2


English Activity Book

English Student Book



Science 1-2




Semester CreditsNumber
Arabic4ESTU 203
Arabic 1-22ESTU 340
Christianity4ESTU 657
English activity book4ESTU 768
English student book4ESTU 432
Math2ESTU 873
Islamic4ESTU 203
Science2ESTU 340
Science 1-24ESTU 657
Social2ESTU 340

How to Apply?

You Apply

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

We Connect

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

You Get Ready

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.

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